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Fun fact: Sõna GOODWIN tuleneb vanainglise sõnast „go-dwine”, mis algselt koosnes kahest iseseisvast sõnast: „go-d” oli tõlkes „hea“ ja „wine“ tähendas sõpra.


Fun fact: The word “Goodwin” (the name of the restaurant) comes from the old English “Go-dwine,” consisting of “go-d” (“good”) and ‘wine” (“friend”).



Goodwin Steakhouse oli meile kõigile juba mingil määral tuttav koht - see koht Viru tänaval, millest iga tõeline tallinlane mööda on kõndinud, kuid suur osa polegi sinna vist kunagi sisenenud. Tundub turistikas? Veidike küll.

Oleme Goodwini kohta palju kiidusõnu kuulnud just vanemalt generatsioonilt - isadelt, onudelt, vanaisadelt jne, sest Goodwin on tegutsenud juba aastast 2009 ning kindlasti võib neid pidada teerajajaks liharestoranidele Eestis. Küll aga nende kodulehelt leitud lause:

“GOODWIN The Steak House on ainus klassikalise Ameerika liharestorani kogemustel ja traditsioonidel põhinev restoran Baltimaades ja Skandinaavia riikides.”

tundub natuke "far feched", ei tahaks uskuda, et päris ainsad Skandinaavias. Sellegipoolest on Goodwin kirglikult asja juures ning julgeme neid pidada üheks parimaks liharestoraniks Eestis - nende oskused ja teadmised lihaga tegelemisel kumavad läbi igast otsast, see maitseb seal imeliselt!


Soe vastuvõtt ja kindla fookusega tegutsemine tuleb Goodwinil hästi välja. Road serveeritakse tihtipeale ilma lisanditeta, sest nii jääb ruumi ainult põhiosa - liha, nautimiseks. Peame aga tõdema, et ka need vähesedki liha kõrvale serveeritud kastmed ja taimsed lisandid olid eriti head ning tekib soov neid kas või eraldiseisva roana tellida.


Nende menüüd vaadates saad 360 kraadilise ülevaate lihast, mida kavatsed tellida - kaal, soovituslik küpsetusaste, päritolumaa ja looma toitumisalane info.


Meil oli võimalus proovida päris erinevaid lihatükke. Oli üpriski haruldane kogemus süüa 5 käiku roogasid, mis kõik on LIHAGA, kuid tänu väikestele tükkidele jäime väga rahule. Nii jõudsime erinevate maitseteni, mida omavahel ka võrrelda ning tekkis terviklik arusaam Goodwinis pakutavast menüüst. 


Goodwin Steak House is somewhat familiar to all of us - the place in Viru street, that almost everyone has passed by, but many have never stepped a foot in it. Looks like a tourist place? Maybe a little.

We have heard a lot of good words about it from the older generations- dads, uncles, gradfathers and so on, because Goodwin has been in business from 2009 and could be the pioneers for other meat restaurants in Estonia. We found a sentence from their website:

“GOODWIN, The Steak House, is the only classical American Meat restaurant, which is based on classical traditions and experience in the Baltic region and Scandinavia.”

In our opinions, it is not relevant anymore, and there are also other actors in the field. Nevertheless, Goodwin is passionately doing its thing and we can honestly say that it is one of the best meat restaurants in Estonia- with their skills and knowledge about meat, can be viewed from everywhere and the meat tasted really good!

A warm welcome and working with a special concept, works in Goodwin’s favor. The dishes do not come with any sides, thus, the meat can be enjoyed and appreciated even more.We need to mention, that the few side dishes we had, were really good, that they  could be even main dishes by themselves.

While viewing the menu, You can get a 360 degree overview of the meat, which You would like to order- The weight, cooking style, origin and the animals’ diet. The information is necessary and it can provide all of the details, what to expect beforehand.

We had the pleasure of trying various meat choices. It was quite unusual to eat 5 courses with only MEAT, but with the small portions, we were pleased. With the small portions, we could taste all of the selection at hand. Talking about the dessert, it was pretty amazing with its pistachio Crème brûlée, which we had not come in contact before.



Kokkuvõttes oli meie, kui 20+ aastaste neiude arvamus Goodwinist selline - liha maitses imeliselt, kuid koht ise jättis veidi vanamoodsa mulje. Toidu pärast läheks tagasi, kuid restoranikülastusel on rohkem külgi, kui ainult toit -  oma vabal ajal külastaks mõnda veidi elevusttekitavamat restorani. Meie julge soovitus Goodwinile oleks lasta lahti vanast kontseptsioonist ning proovida midagi uuenduslikumat. Kindlasti ei ole see neile ilmtingimata vajalik samm, sest kliente ju jagub, kuid kui varsti juba kümme aastat sama asja tehtud on, siis miks mitte midagi uut proovida? :) Eriti interjööri puhul.


In conclusion, our 20+ year old's thoughts were about Goodwin- The taste of the meat was amazing, but the whole place gave an old-fashioned vibe. We would go back for food, but with visiting restaurants, it is so much more than food, it also needs to have a pleasant interior. Our suggestion for Goodwin would be to let go of the old-fashioned concept and to try something new. Not that they need it, they do have a lot of clients, but why not try out something new after almost 10 years of the same thing? :)
